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This blog is intended to keep me focused on my journy of a years worth of 30 day challenges. Feel free to tag along, make up your own challenges, or find entertainment in my self-torture. Xoxo

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Things Are Looking Up!

I accidentally skipped a day! Woops! I was in a food coma hehe. 

I made myself coffee and some eggs again like the day before; with mushroom, peppers, and spinach. It was good but I'm starting to get tired of eggs so I didn't finish it all. One thing I've noticed since eating veggies and having a healthy breakfast every morning is that it sticks with me for quite a long time. Consequently, I was really not hungry again until dinner time. I know it isn't the best to go hours with out eating, but I truly did not have a taste for anything. About five hours after having breakfast I started to feel hungry, so I ate the baby carrots I had packed and felt deliciously satisfied. (I've recently discovered that I can eat carrots all day and night and not be tired of them! Yay!) I wasn't hungry again until it was time to cook dinner. For dinner we had one of my favorite meals: Spaghetti Squash and Red Sauce. It's a super simple meal and no pasta whatsoever! The spaghetti squash is literally a squash- so instead of eating starchy pasta with my sauce, I ate a veggie! I had some meatballs in the freezer and a couple jars of garden veggie sauce in my pantry, so I mixed them all together with some fresh red peppers and garlic and let them simmer while the squash roasted in the oven. It was so good. The best part was that I finally felt satisfied after a meal. Success!

Today started out a little off but ended great. I only had two eggs left so I just scrambled both up and added a little cheese, salt, and pepper, and ate them with some coffee on the side. I ate half of what I made, being that I was very turned off by the eggs. They are starting to gross me out, HA! Thus, I need to find some different breakfast option. Fruit smoothies on the horizon maybe? For lunch I ate a little salad and half of a chicken breast, still not quite hungry from the morning. However, the one thing that kept me focused all day was what I had planned for dinner. Dinner at Wing Dome! I realized I could eat wings- even though they aren't the healthiest, I feel as though I've put in lots of hard work so far and deserved a reward. Even though everyone else ate french fried along side their wings, I held strong and stuck to my wings and celery. I was even offered the tiniest morsel of a fry and I was able to turn it down. A very proud moment of mine! 

Some things I have noticed in the last few days:

  • I am CRAVING red meat like I never have before. A big juicy steak sounds delicious!
  • My clothes fit a little better! I am noticeably (by me) less bloated than usual. I can get used to this :-)
  • I still really want and crave breads. Today I smelled a biscuit just to torture myself, LOL ;-)
  • I've had more bursts of energy throughout the day but find myself very tired at night.
This IS getting easier as time goes on, but I still look forward to February's arrival. Later!

1 comment:

  1. "I've had more bursts of energy throughout the day but find myself very tired at night." Ditoo that for me Rosie!!!
