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This blog is intended to keep me focused on my journy of a years worth of 30 day challenges. Feel free to tag along, make up your own challenges, or find entertainment in my self-torture. Xoxo

Monday, January 2, 2012

I'm Just Hungry.

Ah! Today is rough. I'm so hungry but honestly, fruits and veggies just don't sound satisfying. I had a late breakfast/early lunch today. I had scrambled eggs which consisted of two egg whites, one whole egg, a mushroom, a little red pepper, spinach and a little cheese (my guilty pleasure). They were seriously the most delicious eggs I have ever made for myself. I had a yogurt too. I never really felt satisfied though. I can't stop thinking about wanting toast, or a tortilla, or to devour the left over basmati rice and Indian food in the fridge. Today has been utterly exhausting and I might just call it a night early. I'm just thankful Boone decided to eat his Taco Bell at the restaurant because I am this close to crumbling! 


  1. It's hard as hell but it's SO WORTH IT when you realize you've done it!!! Love you. Stay Strong.

  2. I know. I'm trying really hard! Today has so far been better. =)
