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This blog is intended to keep me focused on my journy of a years worth of 30 day challenges. Feel free to tag along, make up your own challenges, or find entertainment in my self-torture. Xoxo

Monday, January 23, 2012

Continuing My Transformation

To say this last month has been challenging would be an understatement. I have put so much energy into making sure I succeed that I've become pretty worn out. I decided that to insure success after this month is off, I needed to implenent new eating standards. Thus, I have been incorporating whole grains back into my diet the last week or so. Still straying away from all those delicious, fat-filled, deep fried, over-processed, will-survive-the-apocolyps treats, I have managed to remain with veggies and lean proteins taking up the majority of my plate, and adding a little bit of carbs in there on the side. For instance, the other morning I had two pieces of smaller-slice whole grain bread with my scrambled eggs. It was soo good! The best part: I actually felt like I was having a balanced meal.

Don't let me get you wrong, there have been slip ups.

We made tacos the other night, and I had a taco salad like a good little girl. ;) The next couple days however, the extra flour tortillas sat in the fridge, taunting me with all the deliciousness they could muster. So, I caved. I made a breakfast burrito with eggs, s&p and a little cheese. Tossed some sour cream and a little ketchup (was out of salsa) on that too! It was so bad in the best way. I quickly regretted it though. In all honesty, I think my body has gotten so used to the lack of processed white startches that it actually doesn't like them anymore. I had a stomach ache for about a half an hour after that.

In a way, I do feel like I failed the challenge. I know I was supposed to go a whole 30 days with out touching a single bread particle, but I had the feeling that if I didn't sooth the cravings soon, I was going to dive head first into the first box of french fries thrown in my direction. The best part is, I've only had a few bits of carbs lately. No, I haven't been including them in every meal, and indeed I am MUCH more aware of what I choose to put in my body. In fact, my willpower has strenghtened so much, I was able to avoid the chocolate glazed donuts Boone ate in the car on the way to work. *High-Five!*


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